
Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have been reading like crazy lately. I usually can get through 30-40 books a year, but at the rate I'm currently going, I may hit 50 in 2011. My wonderful in-laws gave me a Nook for Christmas and I am so glad they did! Some of the books I've been reading are 800+ pages and the Nook is so much better to cart around than bulky books, especially in my work bag or to the pool or beach (but alas, I haven't been there in a really long time, oh well). I get most of my books from the library on the Nook, and that's why I chose it over the Kindle (although I thought I heard that the Kindle was going to start allowing for Adobe ePub software downloading, but who knows?). I think I've purchased maybe 2 books in the entire time I've had it.

Here are some of the latest I've finished:

The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris

This was interesting, to say the least. It's basically about a high-powered lawyer who has a condition where he just gets up and starts walking and can't stop. It's about his internal struggles, those of his family, and how he handles his condition. It was a sad book. I picked it up because I really liked his other book, Then We Came to the End, but this was entirely different, but in a good way.

The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at the World's Holiest University by Kevin Roose

Funny, poignant, interesting. I learned a lot from this. I've been intrigued by fundies (Christian fundamentalists) for awhile now, and Kevin decides to transfer from Brown to Liberty University (Jerry Falwell's college) to see what it would be like to go to school there. As a college administrator, this was crazy eye-opening to me. If you've read and liked A Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs, you'll love this. (And actually, Kevin was AJ's intern as he was writing his book!).

Size 12 is Not Fat Series by Meg Cabot

This was light fluff reading I did towards the end of our academic year here at work, when things were crazy busy. There are three books in the series: Size 12 is Not Fat, Size 14 is Not Fat Either, and Big Boned. The series follows a former washed-up pop singer who gets a job working as an assistant hall director at a university and then turns amateur detective when students start to get murdered in her building. Funny and light; incredibly quick reads!

The Lincoln Lawyer and The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly

OK, huge page turners here. Loved them both, and finished each one in a few days. Did it help that Matthew McConaughey plays Mickey Haller? And that I love love love Matthew as a lawyer (especially in "A Time to Kill" when he's glistening the entire movie...swoon). But I digress. Fast paced, good eyesight into the American justice system from the defense point of view. I can't wait to get to the others in this series.

And, currently reading, and loving!
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin

What are you reading now? Any good suggestions?

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